FMD Finale (Fasting Mimicking Diet): My Experience
What an exhilarating experience! Who would’ve thought that caloric restriction could be so meaningful?
Remember we are talking about 1200 calories on day 1 and 700 cal a day on days 2-5.
I felt Day 1 to be the most difficult because the transitioning from a normal diet to something so restrictive is plain tough . Day 2 started off with morning fatigue, but that improved with moderate strength training. Day 3 and 4 I did absolutely no exercise whatsoever. By day 5 I felt completely empowered and transformed. The last two days my cravings completely disappeared. I felt strong, clearheaded, and healthy.
With this 5 day plan done on 5 consecutive days each month, we are aiming for a total body cleanse or wash out. At least that is what it felt like to me. Getting rid of old cellular debris that no longer serves us, while stimulating stem cells and complete body rejuvenation .
1) we eat much more than we need
2) we can learn to differentiate true hunger versus emotional hunger, urges, or social overeating
3) we can really hone in on our basic needs ( call them primal ) once we clear our minds of emotional clutter .
I’m a convert and I will clearly be back next month for my second.round
I don’t use it as a standalone, however. I use other anti-aging strategies such as a special concentrated form of deep breathing prior to undergoing cryotherapy and my daily cold showers,and IHT ( INTERMITTENT HYPOXIC TRAINING)
My bottom line : One key to successful aging could be training our bodies to need a little less food, a little less oxygen , and lower temperatures.
A special thanks to Dr. Valter Longo of USC who has published data on this diet, and my friend and coach Tony Molina of Rewire Project who has mentored me along the way
WORD OF CAUTION : This diet is not for everyone. I always recommend you obtain your physician's approval. .