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Dr. Elkin's Heart Month Message: Introducing Our Online Store!

Dear family, friends, and patients,

I hope that you enjoyed the past holiday season and didn’t drift too far away from your individual wellness plan. Holidays can be rough for those of us who have lost a dear family member or friend. I know this feeling all too well. Taking some time to pay homage to such individuals can be healing.

With 2024, and with February being Heart Month, it’s a good time to make new goals. I say goals because resolutions seem too fleeting and temporary to me. Goals require action plans and therefore a little planning.

My suggestions:

Write down 5 doable goals for the New Year. I always like to start with diet. As I mention in my book, “you are what you eat.” If you are addicted to sugar, as is most of the country, try cutting back.  After all, sugar is the most inflammatory substance we can imbibe. All the diseases of aging have inflammation at their core. One suggestion is to avoid bringing starches and sweets home. Assuming you don’t eat out every night, you can control this. You can have an occasional cheat food once or twice a week.

Also suggested is having more of your meals at home. The major advantage here is knowing what’s in your food! So perhaps start twice a week and increase the frequency.

Another healthy goal is to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Sleep hygiene has clearly been in vogue in recent years, and for good reason; your immune system, cognitive skills and longevity require good quality sleep. One suggestion is to avoid screen time 90 minutes before retiring. This simple maneuver can increase the amount of deep wave sleep, essential for rejuvenation.

The main idea is to make your goals doable. Renew them often, and don’t be afraid to alter them. Life is far from stagnant, so don’t think you can’t change midstream.

One of my many goals for 2024 was to bring my online store to fruition.  It is currently operational! Here at HeartWise we have our entire supplement line available online. No more back orders, or out of stock items. You no longer need to call the office. This will save you considerable time and energy.

Click on this link to check it out - HeartWise Store, or the pop-up announcement link or SHOP on our website!

I want to thank all of you for supporting me and my work. My long-awaited book published a year ago is timelier now than ever, considering how broken the medical system is in this country. We all have the capacity to become our own medical advocate. My book will show you how.

In the store, you will find two links: Supplements & Book. Oh, and please leave a review! Reviews truly make a difference.

Wishing all of you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

Howard Elkin, MD